1. In this verse David expressed his intention to bless the Lord. 2. This morning we studied a number of verses from David's Psalms in which he taught God's people to bless the Lord. 3. This evening we are basing our lesson on 3 New Testament passages that have something in common -- they all contain the expression "Blessed be God." 4. Our study is designed to help us understand why God deserves to be blessed. Discussion: I. LET US FIRST EXAMINE 1 PETER 1:3-4
A. According to vs.1-2, Peter wrote this letter to Christians. B. Peter stated that God is blessed for begetting Christians again "unto a lively hope." C. Later in this chapter, Peter revealed: 1. the price that was paid for our redemption (vs.18-19) 2. the process whereby our souls are purified (vs.22-23; John 3:5). D. When God begets us again we gain a special inheritance (vs.4). E. God deserves to be blessed because He has demonstrated His "abundant mercy" as He has (Psalm 136:1). II. NEXT, LET US EXAMINE EPHESIANS 1:3
A. According to vs.1-2, Paul wrote this letter to Christians. B. Paul stated that God is blessed for blessing Christians with "all spiritual blessings." C. Later in ch.2, Paul revealed: 1. the condition of those who have not been begotten again (vs.12) 2. the price that was paid so we can draw near to God (vs.13). D. Several spiritual blessings are mentioned in ch.1, including: 1. being chosen (vs.4) 2. being adopted (vs.5) 3. being accepted (vs.6) 4. redemption and forgiveness (vs.7) 5. obtaining an inheritance (vs.11). E. God deserves to be blessed because He has blessed His children with "all spiritual blessings." III. LAST, LET US EXAMINE 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4
A. According to vs.1-2, Paul wrote this letter to Christians. B. Later in 5:17, Paul showed how we become new creatures when we get into Christ (Galatians 3:27). C. God deserves to be blessed because of: 1. who He is (vs.3) -- "the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort" 2. what He does (vs.4) -- He blesses His children with "comfort" (Psalm 23:4). D. God's children are not immune to losses and periods of sadness (11:24-28). E. God deserves to be blessed because He provides comfort to His children. Conclusion:
1. These passages from the New Testament explain why God deserves to be blessed. 2. Let us adopt David's philosophy he expressed in Psalm 34:1.