The Psalms 22
Introduction: 1. The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 poems, songs, prayers, and prophecies recorded over a long period of time by a number of people. 2. According to Luke 24:44, some things were written in the Psalms about Jesus that He fulfilled. 3. To illustrate,: a. Jesus' crucifixion was prophesied in Psalm 22:1, 7-8, 18 (Matthew 27:46, 39-40, 35) b. Jesus' priesthood was prophesied in Psalm 110:4 (Hebrews 5:5-10). 4. In this lesson we are examining Psalm 16 in which Jesus' resurrection was prophesied. a. (vs.1-7) David asked God to preserve him. b. (vs.8-11) David showed how God would preserve His Holy One. Discussion: I. (vs.1-7) DAVID ASKED GOD TO PRESERVE HIM A. This Psalm begins with a request. 1. (vs.1a) David's request was "Preserve me." 2. Similar requests are found throughout the Psalms (25:20; 86:2). B. David made his request of "God." C. David's request was based on his relationship with God. 1. (vs.1b) David had put his trust in God. 2. (vs.2) David recognized God as his Lord. 3. (vs.3-4) David's associates reflected his relationship with God. a. (vs.3) He delighted to be with "saints." b. (vs.4) He avoided those who follow other gods. 4. (vs.5-6) David recognized God as the source of his blessings. 5. (vs.7) David was thankful for God's instruction. D. After asking God to preserve him, . . . II. (vs.8-11) DAVID SHOWED HOW GOD WOULD PRESERVE HIS HOLY ONE A. David's use of personal pronouns seems to indicate that he was writing about himself. B. However, David was writing about God's "Holy One" (vs.10). 1. His flesh would "rest in hope" (vs.9). 2. His soul would not be left in Hades (vs.10a). 3. He would not see "corruption" (vs.10b). 4. He would be at God's right hand forever (vs.11). III. TWO INSPIRED APOSTLES APPLIED DAVID'S PROPHECY TO JESUS' RESURRECTION A. Peter -- Acts 2:22-36 B. Paul -- Acts 13:14-16, 26-37 IV. THE GOSPELS SHOW HOW DAVID'S PROPHECY WAS FULFILLED A. Jesus was crucified on Friday [the day of preparation] (Mark 15:15, 24-25). B. Before Jesus died, He said He was going to "Paradise" (Luke 23:43). C. After hanging on the cross for about six hours, Jesus died (Mark 15:33-37; James 2:26). D. Jesus' body was buried Friday afternoon (Mark 15:42-47). E. Jesus was resurrected early Sunday morning (Mark 16:1-6). F. After spending some time with His followers, Jesus ascended to heaven where He is at God's right hand (Mark 16:19). |